Mermaid Munchies: Coco-Goji Energy Balls


Let’s talk balls. A tender mouthful of savory taste. Fitting perfectly in the palm of your hands, so all it takes is a smooth pop into your mouth whenever you’re ready to go.

And have you ever tried putting chocolate on them?

Now all this ball talk has my mouth-watering with a craving for more.



Uhh, what did you think I was talking about?

You dirty little mermaid.


Let me fill you in on my latest balls.

These little guys are hands fins down, the most badass on-the-go snack, and here's why:

+ They are jam-packed with nutrients and fuel you with the energy needed to kick ass at life.

+ It takes less than 10 minutes to whip up a batch, allowing you more time to continue kicking ass at life.

+ The basic ingredients are easily affordable and can make up to 12 in one batch. Talk about ballin’ on a budget (haha, I’m punny).



It doesn’t matter if you prefer balls dry-roasted, sweet or maybe even a little salty, this snack allows you to get creative in the kitchen and experiment with the a wide range of different flavors.

The Coco-Goji recipe has a sweet-tart flavor from the healthy deliciousness of the goji berry.


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I know you’re probably thinking I want these balls in my mouth, but how the hell do I make them?

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

  1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Roll into balls and stick in the freezer
  3. Top with coconut and honey

*When it comes to the texture of your balls if they are more on the umm..tender side try adding more oats.


They are the perfect pre or post workout snack and make a great treat at pretty much anytime of the day.

Like I said, I’m obsessed, and you will be too "because no one can resist my Schweddy balls Coco-Goji balls".

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What are some of your favorite energy ball recipes?


xx Fins & Kisses,

The Mermaid.