The Running Mermaid Lifestyle Clinic


Aloha my Hawaii Mermaids, how goes it? After a whirlwind of wanderlust, I’ve finally returned back to my island playground, safe and sound. Having called more than ten places home over the last two months, you can only imagine how good it feels to be back in the warm embrace of Hawaii.

Now don’t worry, I’m already working on an epic post about my adventures of travel, but until then, come celebrate my homecoming by joining your Mermaid Sisters and I at the very first Running Mermaid Lifestyle Clinic.

For the past year I've been cultivating a lifestyle of happiness, and one of the many reasons behind my soul vacation, was to put this Mermaid Method of life to the test by discovering a sense of peace within every new surrounding.

Needless to say, it passed with flying colors, and now, the student is ready to become the teacher. Like Mr. Miyagi status, I'm taking on the role as your own personal lifestyle coach in order to help every Mermaid soul embody this magical way of life.

My Running Mermaid Lifestyle Clinics are designed to help incorporate healthy habits into your daily lifestyle, allowing you to experience a confident existence of purpose and passion.

Lifestyle Clinic

I know your little Mermaid heart is curious as to what these “healthy habits” will entail, so let me fill you in on all the deets.

Each clinic will begin with a dance party warm up to get our good vibes flowing, and head out for a nice run at a beginners cruise pace. Following our kick ass run, we will tone it up with an anytime, anywhere full-body workout along with a solid cool down stretch. Then, the real fun begins as we dive into a little meditation practice, guided by yours truly, and finish up by setting intentions for the new week ahead.

It is my mission to build a tribe of badass Mermaids that inspire and motivate each other to become our best selves. We are all in this journey of life together, so why not join forces to help one another create the life of our dreams.

Lifestyle Clinic

Now if this sounds like your cup of tea, or coffee, or kombucha, or whatever, then trust me you won’t want to miss it.

But if you have to miss it because your yogi heart led you to the beaches of North Shore for Wanderlust this weekend, then I’m low key jealous of you. then don’t fret because this is going to be a weekly Sunday Runday kind of thing.

I hope to see you all there this Sunday, 9 a.m. at Kaimana Beach Park.

And yes, Mermen are welcome (this means you Pepe).

If you have any questions feel free to contact me at


xx Fins & Kisses

The Mermaid.