Why I'm a Lush for Lush Cosmetics


You know what I love?! Presents!


But see, I’m not talking new designer watch kind of gifts, I’m talking those special little “just because” gifts. The ones that say, this reminded me of you.

Lately I've been on a face mask kick and was recently gifted a fresh handmade mask from Lush Cosmetics.

My Friend Stefan has been a devoted Lush customer for more than eight years, and believes in their product so much he couldn’t wait to share this kick ass gift with me.

Seeing his crush on lush instantly piqued my curiosity, what makes this brand so damn special?! Because let's be real, anything that keeps a guy committed for 8 years has to be pretty damn special.


Alright, enough with the single girl stings, I'm here to give you the low down on Lush.

Why I'm a Lush for Lush

After reading up on their powerful story, I discovered Lush Cosmetics is a company that believes in what they stand for.

They believe in making effective products from fresh organic fruit and vegetables, the finest essential oils and safe synthetics.

They believe in protecting people, animals and the planet.

They also believe in long candlelit baths, sharing showers, massages, filling the world with perfume and in the right to make mistakes, lose everything and start again.

From shower time essentials to makeup and perfume, Lush carries everything your cosmetic heart desires with an impressive selection of handmade products.

Yes, handmade, as in someone totally made this clay with their bare hands.

Lush Cosmetics

Lush “compunders” cut and peel organic fruits and veggies, mix herbal infusions, stir in freshly squeezed juices and finish them off with their own hand blended fragrances.

How badass right?

The Ayesha fresh faced mask I used was made with asparagus, honey and kiwi to help tighten the skin and bring out a more radiant glow.

(because real mermaids know it’s all about that glow.)

Once I applied the mask my skin instantly felt rejuvenated from a cool tingling sensation, I kept the mask on for 10 minutes (snapped a couple selfies) and rinsed with warm water. It left my skin looking refreshed with a warm gleaming undertone.

Mega plus: The savory smell adds a pinch of aromatherapy to the mix.

Lush Selfie


Thanks to Lush (and Stefan) I was able to treat myself and enjoy a sweet little spa sesh in the comfort of my own home, and it was UH-MAZING.

Like cucumber over the eye, detox water in hand kind of amazing.

Seriously, where has this stuff been all my life?

Lush is an admirable company full of talented people using their creative minds to build a better tomorrow for our environment, our bodies and ourselves.

It's no wonder this guy has been crushing on lush for the past eight years, because he genuinely believes in what they stand for and values the story behind Lush enough to share it with the people who will appreciate it.

And that my mermaid friends is why I love those thoughtful little gifts that say, "this reminded me of you," because they shine a new light on what others see within you.

...So, does that make me a Lush?

xx Fins & Kisses,

The Mermaid.