Suns Out "Bumz" Out


Being fortunate enough to spend my free-time in a bikini, I’ve come to discover these itty bitty pieces of fashion help radiate an alluring sense of confidence in myself. I admire the bikini designers that encourage us badass mermaids to embrace the beautiful bodies we have been given — and lucky for me, I’m able to call one of these rad designers a friend.

My girl Kaitlin Nagel fully embodies the essence of a beach babe, so naturally, her passions for travel, artistry and fashion led to the creation of her very own swim line, Bumz Bikinis — and because this girl is the queen of gift giving, she surprised me with my very own pair to rock in Hawaii.


Based out of Fremantle, Australia, Katie's unique line of bikini bottoms encourages women to follow your heart bumz and fearlessly ride the waves of life.

With a wide variety of bold and bright colors, these playful bottoms are perfect to mix-and-match with any top imaginable (should you choose to wear one).

But what I die over is the incredible fit.

Seriously, these bikinis hug your bum like a glove without cutting you off — I'll take an apple bottom over a muffin top anyday.


The seamless design is flattering for every shape and more comfortable than your favorite pair of yoga pants.

Which is why I’ve opted to no longer wear pants.

Sorry I’m not sorry, but these bottoms are just too perfect I can’t imagine wearing anything else.


Kaitlin takes great pride in being the most kick ass gift giver, and I have to agree. Her creative mind is a gift that inspires others to travel the world, pursue your passions and never look back.

Unless it’s to see how great your “bumz” look.

Bumz Bikinis

To get your hands on a pair of Bumz, contact Kaitlin at and keep up with her Aussie adventures by following Bumz Bikinis on Instagram.

And if you are wondering how you can get your bumz looking tight, check-out my 4-week squat schedule that will get your mermaid booty firm and fierce.


xx Fins & Kisses,

The Mermaid.

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