Getting Fit With Andy

Have you ever scrolled 52 weeks deep into a total strangers Instagram, completely in awe of their picture perfect life? I know most —if not all— of us Mermaids have a tendency to get a little Insta-Stalker, but how many of us actually create the opportunity to connect and build a genuine friendship with these Media Socialites?

Sometime last year I stumbled upon the inspiring Instagram of Fit Andy.

Remember her from December’s Mermaid of the Month feature?

Yeah, well I have a confession to make, before writing that feature I had never actually met the Sand Diego beach babe, but I knew I wanted to be more than another follower to her, I wanted to be a friend.

There was something about her motivational posts, and ability to rock a badass pair of spandex that made me feel as if we were running partners in a past life. So in the least creepiest way, I reached out to Andy, via the internet, and asked if she wanted to get together for a workout.

To my surprise she said yes, and together we joined forces to create a badass partner workout for you and your fellow soul sisters.

Getting Fit With Andy

When it comes to working out, using the buddy system is the ultimate way to stay motivated while focusing on reaching your fitness goals. You are guaranteed to show up for sweat sessions, because lets be real, no one likes a flake. And not only will you show up, but you will push yourself harder than ever before. As a result, your partner will push themselves harder creating a win-win scenario for the both of you.

Oh, and the best part? It doesn't even feel like a workout. You will be so busy laughing it up and chatting a storm that you might even forget you actually worked out until the soreness hits you the next day.

At least that's how it was in my case.

Andy and I began our workout the only way we know how, with a solid run. Then we headed into some total body toning moves and finished it off with some more running, followed by a cool down stretch.

+ Warm Up Run:

After warming up with a light stretch, head out on a nice 20-30 minute jog and focus on getting the heart rate up. Remember to go at your own pace but push yourself harder than usual in order to motivate each other to keep up with a quicker speed.

Targets: Cardiovascular Endurance



+ Back to Back Squat: 

Begin with your feet hip-width distance apart and arms out in front of you. Sit back into a squat, keeping the knees behind the toes. Push against the back of your partner and use each others strength to maintain support.

Hold for 30 seconds.

Targets: Glutes, Hamstrings, and Quads



+ Hamstring Push-Up:

Bring it down to your knees keeping your arms out in front of you and have your Mermaid Sister hold down the bottoms of your feet for stability. Maintain control of the upper body as you gently fall into a push-up. Then, with the force of your upper body, rebound off the ground while using the strength in your hamstrings to pull you back up into starting position.

x 15

Targets: Upper Body and Hamstrings

Hamstring Push Up


+ Low-Five Plank:

Begin in a solid plank position. Reach towards the opposite hand of your Mermaid Sister and give each other an encouraging low five. Then return back to a plank position and switch hands. Focus on keeping your core tight and upper body strong.

x 25

Targets: Upper Body and Core

Low Five Plank


+ Leg Raises:

Laying flat on your back, lift your legs high while grabbing onto the ankles of your Mermaid Sister for stability. As your Mermaid Sister pushes your legs fins down, resist the force and maintain a hover above the ground. The use the strength in your core to return your fins back to starting position.

x 25

Targets: Core

Leg Raises


+ Stretch:

After completing the circuit 2-3 times through, stretch it out and enjoy the natural high of accomplishing a kick-ass workout together.




I don't usually let a lot of people into my running realm, because not very many people have the same kind of passion towards running. I reached out to Andy because not only does she have an undeniable energy for the dynamic sport, she also carries a positive outlook towards life.

Just being in her presence her makes you want to be happier, stronger, fitter and even more badass.

Before you choose a workout partner, remember, you have every right to be picky. Don't settle for a friend that will bail on scheduled sweat sessions or encourage you to half-ass your squats. Working out is your sacred time, and it's important to surround yourself with uplifting people who will push you to go the extra mile.

Despite the fact Andy and I live across the ocean, we utilize social media and our Insta-Stalking habits to empower one another on our pursuits.

Which just so happens to be the main reason as to why we developed our blogs, we are two unique personalities both sharing a common goal, to help inspire others to live a happier and healthier way of life.

So if you are feeling unsure of your fitness social circle, don't be afraid to hang out with us on Instagram!

Check-in with us by tagging @TheRunningMermaid and @FitAndyy in all your health and welness related posts.

Lets help keep each other motivated to continue kicking ass at life.





xx Fins & Kisses,

Fit Andyy & The Mermaid.