Dreams Don't Work Unless You Do

Ok so here's a little story of persistence. Last week something told me to look into a hosting position for the NBA. Call it my intuition, call it a hunch — I don't know exactly what it was, other than my heart telling me to follow this path.

After doing some research (and figuring out what the job was actually called) I found out The Los Angeles Lakers were having auditions for their In-Arena Emcee in a matter of days, but unfortunately I already missed the deadline to submit my resume.

Now, being the determined person that I am, do you really think I was going to let this opportunity slip away?

Not a chance.

I straight up called the Lakers facility, and lucky for me, the old lady that answered had no idea what the hell I was talking about. So I asked her to connect me with the Director of Entertainment and left a brief message.

The following day, they returned my phone call and that was when I asked for a chance to submit my resume. Apparently, they saw something in me because they ended up inviting me to audition for the job of my dreams.

I don't know if I got the gig or not, but honestly, I don't even care— ok, maybe I care a little. But deep down, I know it doesn't matter the outcome of the situation because what was once a wild ass idea just a short week ago, became a full-blown reality for me today.


I hope this story is proof that those crazy ideas in your head aren't crazy at all, they are your calling, and it's your job to do everything in your power to bring that experience to life.

I left my heart on that $80 million stage today and now the ball is in their court (ha).

Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best, but at the end of the day, there's always The Clippers, right?!

xx Fins & Kisses,

The Mermaid.