Let's Be Mermaids
Now I don’t know about you, but perfection paralyzes me.
What I mean by this is, for the last handful of months I’ve been working on a new brand. Well, it’s not really that new, because this vision has been in my heart for years. But instead of making it happen when the idea came to me, I’ve been waiting around for the perfect moment to bring it to life. I’ve been holding back in fear of not only having all my ducks in a row before “launch day” but also in fear of what others might think.
Because let’s be real, this isn’t the first time I’ve built a brand, or launched a website. However, The Mermaid Method is so much more than a new blog venture, it’s my souls purpose.
When the idea of The Mermaid Method first came to me in 2015
I know that sounds a little extreme, but for some reason I am feeling called to make this mermaid shit happen. I am tuning into all the signs around me and they keep pulling my heart in this direction. Like when I got my tarot cards read in New Orleans and was told my success will come from writing a book. Or spending my summer working as a professional mermaid with the HB Mermaid Pod. Or how about when themermaidmethod.com randomly became an available domain this year after trying to get my hands on it since 2015!
The Universe speaks to us through coincidence, and I think its pretty damn coincidental occurrences like these have been happening. Especially since I am at this place in my life where I often find myself questioning which road to take.
Do I keep trying to make it in this real world, or do I say fuck it and start living my mermaid my best mermaid life?
I think we all know the answer to that one.
But it is a lot easier said than done, because in order to start living my ultimate dream I have to get out of my own way. Nothing is holding me back except my own need for perfection and fear of judgement. I can’t be waiting around for the perfect moment and shouldn’t be looking for the approval of others. I have to create opportunity, be vulnerable, and believe in myself.
There is no better time than now to open up and own up to the path that has been chosen for me.
So fuck it, let’s be mermaids.
Who is in?!