New Year, New Me


There is nothing like a new year; fresh starts, new beginnings and endless possibilities. As the clock strikes 12 on the first of January we experience a precious moment in time that allows us to reflect on the past and rejoice in the future while savoring each moment of the present.

With that being said Helloooooo twenty-fourteen.

(I know New Year’s was almost a month ago, but procrastinating wasn’t a resolution for me to work on this year, meaning this overdue post totally is acceptable).

“New Year, New Me”

Most people reinvent themselves for the new year with a bad new haircut or gym pass, I decided to reinvent myself like a true millennial, via the internet.

Welcome to my new lifestyle blog, The Running Mermaid. You like?

I don’t want to bore you with my reflections on 2013... but I’m going to anyway.

My main focus last year was to “learn more” but when I set out on this wisdom seeking period I had no idea what I even wanted to learn, so I began with the simple theory of who the hell is Gennah Rodriguez?

Part of me has grown into this wandering mermaid,  playing in the water and breathing in every enjoyable second of life. While my other persona has transformed into a marathon running bad bitch, spending the days on my grind and dressing strictly in only black and leather.

(Schizophrenic much?!)

Put these alter egos together and what do you get? The carefree, independent, courageous, driven, charismatic spark of life that is Gennah Rodriguez.

I’m kind of obsessed I’m confident with the person I am, so confident in fact, I decided to brand myself as, The Running Mermaid.

To make it even more official, I designed a logo and purchased a domain.

Talk about making moves.

No really, I’m taking this shit to the next level, like social media and everything.

Get ready people, The Running Mermaid is about to take over your news feed the world.

New Year, Same Me...but better.

xx Fins & Kisses

The Mermaid