Bad Bitch Beats: Marathon Edition
There are some days in a girl's life when she wakes up with a butterfly feeling of anticipation to experience a day that will forever change her life.
For some it may be the whirlwind morning of her wedding day, for others their first one night stand it could be a monumental interview for the job of her dreams.
For this girl, its race day.
Nothing gets me more hot and bothered then a 26.2 mile run to the most unimaginable feeling of self-triumph. (and an excuse to eat anything and everything you want for a day week).
A friend told me once before “Marathon runners are of a different breed.”
Sorry I'm not sorry but I couldn’t agree more. The truth is almost anyone is physically capable to cross the finish line of a marathon, but what sets us apart from the pack is the ability to courageously put our minds to the test.
Because as typical as it sounds, a marathon really is a challenge within yourself and teaches you so much about the race of life.
(and we all know challenges and life lessons is the shit I live for)
Only you are in control of your time, pacing yourself to grow stronger with each new mile you take on and conquer. Only you have the power to encourage the ones around you, even when you are at your weakest point, and only you are capable of pushing yourself to cross the finish line into a world of free food and endless high-fives.
Although the never ending praise lingering high of accomplishment is quite addicting, spending the entire night prior dedicated to an all carb diet and strategically creating the most epic (five to six-hour) ass kicking playlist is what keeps me coming back for more.
I don't care how strong my mind is, lets be real, if it wasn’t for my new Bad Bitch Beats Vol. 3 playlist, crossing the finish line would be nearly impossible wouldn’t be as enjoyable.
and no joke, this playlist made me dance through the finish line.
Here you have it, the most anticipated surprise album release since Beyoncé.
Marathon runner or not, I think we can all agree on one thing, music has the unique ability to transport you into another world.
By throwing in some of my favorite songs from Bad Bitch Beats Vol. 1 and 2 along with these new jams, I was able to relive my past and lose myself in the thoughts of how far I’ve come and how much stronger I will continue to grow with each new year.
As long as I continue to pace myself and enjoy each mile of life while encouraging the runners on their own journey around me, I will cross the finish line and be able to spend the rest of my time in a world of endless high-fives, eating anything and everything I want.