Mermaid of the Month: Fit Andy
What began as an Instagram obsession, blossomed into a genuine friendship the moment my girl Fit Andy let me in on a big secret she was keeping. “I’m pregnant!” she screamed with the giddiest smile on her face.
Just when I thought I couldn’t be more inspired by this badass babe, the confidence she carried while gearing up for this next life chapter was incredibly admirable.
While many women (mainly me) freak the fuck out at the thought of having a bun in the oven, I knew Andy was more than ready to rock her baby bump and start using the #FitMom hashtag on the reg.
I mean yeah she was pregnant, but she wasn’t going to let a growing baby slow her down.
I watched in awe as Andy crossed the finish line of her first triathlon 4 months into her pregnancy, conquered a half marathon at 6 months, and stayed on her running game until the day her beautiful baby girl Cruz Adriana Arnold was born.
If that’s not the definition of a badass, I don’t know what is.
I could go on for days about this fierce mama, but I’ll let her do all the talking.
In honor of Mother's Day I figured, who better to feature this month than a hella passionate woman that shows other moms— just because you have a baby to take care of, doesn't mean you have to stop taking care of yourself.
Meet May's Mermaid of the Month, the one and only, Fit Andy.
+ Introduce yourself (and baby Cruz)
Hellooo everyone my name is Andy! I'm married to my college sweetheart and we have a 4 month old daughter, Cruz Adriana. I love running, lifting weights and cooking healthy. 6 months ago we moved from San Diego to Scottsdale, AZ. This move wasn't easy but it has allowed me to be a stay home mama, focusing my time on Cruz, working out and eating healthy.
+ What is the most rewarding part of being a mother?
The most rewarding part of being a mother is watching her grow. She may only be 4 months old, but it is so amazing to see her become more alert, find her hands, babble, grab her toes and laugh! As she gets older I look forward to leading by example and teaching Cruz the importance of being your authentic self and taking care of yourself inside & out. I want to raise her to be strong, happy and fearless!
+ How did you adapt to the changes your body was going through during your pregnancy?
At first it was challenging, I looked like I ate a few too many burritos for the first 6 months then finally my bump grew and I actually looked pregnant! Once I had a bump I embraced it to the fullest. To be honest, I miss the hell out of my bump and I can't wait to have one again.
+ You were incredibly active during your pregnancy, do you see a reflection of that in Cruz already?
Cruz is super active, her feet never stop moving! She will definitely be a runner like her mama. But in all seriousness, being active during my pregnancy made my delivery so much easier. I only pushed for 15 minutes and out popped Cruz! I remember saying how easy the pushing was and that I could do it again! ;)
+ Any advice for fellow moms trying to make a body comeback, even better than before?
The most important thing is to not compare your postpartum body to other mamas. We are all on different journeys. We need to own our body for everything that it is and everything that it can do. I carried Cruz for 9.5 months and she is healthy and so beautiful, that is something to be proud of!!
My tummy may be a bit squishier and my belly button is a little awkward but I'm learning everyday to accept it. There are days when it's hard and I catch myself comparing my body to other women. But that's so stupid and I don't even know why I allow my thoughts to go there. Bottomline, none of that shit matters. What matters is being there for my baby, nurturing her, encouraging her, loving her, inspiring and motivating her. What type of mom or example am i setting for my daughter if I obsess over what my body was before. When Cruz looks at me I want her to see a strong, confident and happy person.
Just do your thing mamas! Don't worry about what everyone else is doing or what they look like post baby. Be proud of where YOU are and where you are heading on your postpartum journey. Of course, eat healthy & exercise - but just do you.
+ How do you find balance between mom time and me time?
My workouts. That may sound silly, but seriously that is my time to zone out and sweat. There's nothing better than pushing limits and getting stronger! Occasionally, I go out with girlfriends or go and get my nails done.
+ What's the most challenging part about being new parents?
Joey and I miss having the energy and time for each other. A lot of our focus is on Cruz and sometimes our marriage takes the backseat. However, being the proactive woman that I am, hubs and I are working on being more present, communicating more, and going on dates. As long as we stay strong as a couple I know we will continue to be the best parents for Cruz!
+ Any plans for more baby's in the future?
I want another one NOW!!! But I also realize that this is the only time we will ever be a family of 3. So for now I want to take the time to cherish and enjoy our little family. And when the time is right, we'll have 2-4 more babies.
+ What do you feel is the most important value you want to teach baby Cruz?
Loving herself. I see so many young girls and women feeling like they aren't enough. Once you love yourself you become confident, you know your worth and ultimately you are aware that you are ENOUGH!!! <3
Now do you see why I became instantly obsessed? Andy is such a strong, ambitious, and happy lady, I can already see so much of herself in Cruz.
Although Andy has dreamed of being a mom forever, (off record: she used to breast feed her dolls growing up haha) she had to make major sacrifices to make this dream come true. She put her career on hold, moved to a different state and said duces to her rock hard abs, all for her family.
But that's what makes her such a badass momma, because her love is selfless.
Happiest of Mother's Day to this incredible woman I'm lucky enough to call my friend.
Like I said I used to just be an insta-stalker (haha) so if you want to become friends with Andy, give her a follow @FitAndyy and you never know what kind of friendship will blossom.
xx Fins & Kisses,
The Mermaid.