10 Life Lessons I've Learned Since Moving To Hawaii DiscoverGennah NicoleAugust 18, 2017Blog, Blogger, Books, featured, gratitude, Health, Inspiration, Journal, Life, lifestyle, love, Motivation, Play, running, Travel, Vlog, Wellness, Writing, Yoga Comments
Mermaid of the Month: Shayla Hoheisel Mermaid of the MonthGennah NicoleMarch 1, 2017Books, Health, Inspiration, Life, lifestyle, Motivation, Travel, video, Vlog, Writing, YogaComment
The Spartan Mermaid Week 3 Challenge: Eating Clean Lifestyle ChallengeGennah NicoleJune 13, 2014Adventure, Fit Friday, Fitness, follow, Hawaii, Health, Healthy, Inspiration, Life, Motivation, Vlog, WritingComment